

彼が理事を務める大会主催者の大阪北港ヨットクラブ(OHYC)は、ちょうど残り1ヶ月に迫った2月18日(日)、サンダンス マリン メルボルン大阪CUP 2018に向けての安全祈願祭を大阪天満宮で行いました。



Kei Morimura skipper of Bartolome who arrived recently in Melbourne is back home for a short visit to attend to a few matters and to rest up after the delivery journey.

Osaka Hokko Yacht Club (OHYC) of which Kei is a director held a special ceremony on Sunday at Tenmangu Shrine to pray for the safety of the competitors in the Sundance Marine Melbourne Osaka Cup. The race starts in just in a months time.

Kei participated in the days’ events and presented this short clip of the days’ activities.We sincerely hope that we’ll be able to report on a safe and successful race in on May 5th when the race is over.

Photography & article by Hiroshi Horiuchi
Video production & English translation by Ian MacWilliams
Presented by Melbourne Osaka Cup 2018