メルボルン大阪CUP2018がほぼ終了した6月9日(土)、米国カリフォルニア州Dana Point Yacht Clubより素敵なお客様が訪問されました。クラブの役員と理事を代表して来られたJavierさんとChristineさんのValdiviesoご夫妻です。
ちょうどメルサカ表彰式の前日、5月4日に光栄にもDana Pointヨットクラブ(以下DPYC) のAnne Eubanks会長よりクラブへご挨拶の問い合わせがあり、今回の夕食会の機会を持つことができました。
当クラブからは、宇都宮会長、レースをやり遂げられた森村理事、レース期間中通訳として大活躍していただいたCat 中道さん、そして広報担当の堀内が参加し、ヒルトンプラザで歓迎夕食会を開きました。
次回はぜひ、Dana Pointで再会したいですね。
Some very nice visitors from Dana Point Yacht Club
We had some very nice visitors from Dana Point Yacht Club in California, US on Saturday 9 June, when the Melbourne Osaka Cup 2018 was drawing to a close. Mr. Javier and Mrs. Christine Valdivieso visited Osaka Hokko Yacht Club on behalf of their club officers and directors.
We were honored to receive a greeting from the Commodore Anne Eubanks of Dana Point Yacht Club (DPYC) on May 4, the day before the presentation ceremony of the Melbourne Osaka Cup race, and we took advantage of the contact to have a small dinner party.
Commodore Norio Utsunomiya, Kei Morimura who completed the Melbourne Osaka Cup race, Cat Nakamichi who helped us a great deal as an interpreter during the race, and Hiroshi Horiuchi - a spokesperson, met the Valdiviesos welcomed them with a dinner party at the Hilton Plaza.
Conversation became very lively when Javier, who is from Ecuador, and Kei got excited over the topic of the Galapagos Islands which is the inspiration for the name of Kei’s yacht name, Bartolome. We all had a very good time. It was great pleasure to meet representatives from a yacht club from far away and we were very glad to hear that they respect the Japanese culture and they like Osaka.
We hope to see them again perhaps at Dana Point next time.